Special Considerations for Outdoor Wedding Catering

Have you been planning an outdoor wedding since long back? Well, catering takes on an entirely new set of challenges, as compared to an indoor venue.

You can have the most amazing experience in an outdoor setting, even under challenging situations, as far as you are prepared for whatever our unpredictable climate may throw at you.

Deal with an experienced local wedding caterer is the best way to ensure that everything is going well, doesn’t matter what Mother Nature throws your way.

Assume the Worst for the Weather – and for Your Wedding Catering

No matter what time of year you’ll be tying the knot, you simply cannot trust north-west India’s unpredictable weather. Hope for the best but expect the worst, to be sure you’re ready for and circumstances.

Just as you need a backup location for your wedding ceremony if inclement weather strikes, your reception caterer also needs a plan ‘B’, in case they can’t do their work in the pre-identified location. When you decide to celebrate outdoor, your catering arrangements need to be go through carefully.

Most of outdoor wedding venues offer alternative spaces for holding both the ceremony and reception, should outdoor event become impossible due to weather.

Provide Indoor Access for Your Wedding Caterer Whenever Possible

No, it’s not always possible to have a conditioned framework where your catering company can set up, prep, plate and stage. You may not even have power at your chosen location. Still, the better the conditions you can offer for your caterer, the better your experience is likely to be.

If possible, at least provide a tent for shade and protection from the elements and bugs – and a generator. This is as much for safety as comfort, as most dishes need to be kept hot or cold.

However, if this simply isn’t an option, don’t stress – your outdoor wedding caterer will tell you what is and isn’t practical or possible. Follow their lead and you’ll have the perfect day you’ve always dreamed of.

Plan Your Wedding Catering Menu for the Weather & Conditions

This might sound like common sense but, when deciding on your menu, keep the weather and your surroundings in mind.

For instance, if you’re planning your event in a rugged location in the Aravali range or the woods near ranthambore, your caterer already has plenty of logistical challenges to overcome. Choosing menu items that are too delicate, labor-intensive or highly temperature sensitive will not only be expensive but you’re also adjust yourself up for disappointment.

The best and safest approach is to let your caterer recommend dishes that will provide and put together the best dining experience for you and your guests, wherever your location may be.

Headquartered in Jaipur, M.L. Caterers is North India’s best Outdoor Wedding Caterer. We handle a big number of wedding functions every year, in locations that range from resorts to the most remote corners of the nature. Have a word with us today to help designing your ideal outdoor wedding catering experience.


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